Industry and Community,
Working Together
In The News
Participating Members

GCIA Committed to Community
GCIA companies are committed community partners whose employees and family members live, work and play throughout Grant County. Our employees are the heartbeat of our companies and their commitment to giving back is inspiring. Our employees care deeply about the communities that make up Grant County and are devoted to ensuring a long-lasting quality of life for all.
We at GCIA are taking the employees lead. Our member companies have all been engaged on their own in a variety of community activities over the past several years and have decided to join forces to improve our local engagement, communications and advocacy efforts. In the first few months since forming we have already contributed money and supplies to people in need. The GCIA is proud to serve our local communities and remains committed to that pursuit.
Long Lasting Commitment
The GCIA might be new to Grant County, but its companies and employees are not. Many of the member companies planted roots here more than 25 years ago and many of our employees have generational ties to the County. We love Grant County, its people, its beautiful landscape and its rich history. We are dedicated to building partnerships with community, local government, educational organizations and the vital farming economy to add opportunity and value to Grant County for generations to come.

GCIA companies are committed community partners whose employees and family members live and work in all facets of Grant County... We care deeply about our community and are prepared to help where we are able.
Chuck Sutton
President of GCIA
Grant County Average Income
In 2021, the average annual wage for Grant County manufacturing jobs was 134% of the average wage for all jobs within Grant County.
source: Washington Employment Security Department and US Bureau of Labor Statistics
2020 Property Taxes
Out of the Top 10 highest property taxes, 6 were companies in the Grant County Industrial Alliance. The GCIA makes up over 23% of the total property taxes to be collected for Grant County in 2020.
source: Grant County Assessor
2020 Property Tax Distribution
How property taxes are distributed to local organizations? There are many different places that the property taxes go to support Grant County, including School Districts, Cemeteries and a Veteran Relief Fund. Check out the information below about how the $34.8M is helping Grant County. Hover over the graph to see details.
source: Grant County Assessor